Smart Systems

radio-based technologies

WLAN, mobile communication, RFID, Bluetooth, LoRa, Zigbee, UWB, 2G-6G – the working group covers numerous technologies. Main emphasis is on their applications like tracking, data transmission, ambient detection, identification or energy transmission. Technology providers and users meet for discussion of planning and optimising business processes in manufacturing, logistics and administration. Main objectives are peer-group exchange, network building and initialisation of projects.

Furthermore, innovative approaches such as multipurpose use of wireless networks are being discussed. For instance, data transmission while doing sensor based localisation (indoor/outdoor) or tracking under consideration of microelectronic solutions and software defined radio based approaches are being discussed. Last, but not least, the working group adresses ecological valid, energy efficient and robust mobile communication solutions, considering increasing data rates and decreasing transmission times.


Bild Arbeitskreisleiter

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Michler
Technische Universität Dresden
+49 351 4633 6841


Bild Arbeitskreisleiter

Jochen Kinauer
camLine GmbH
+49 160 9327 3829


  • Professional exchange
  • Identification of relevant actors in the region and beyond
  • cooperation enhancement
  • Creating a network of manufacturers, users and research organisations in the very field
  • Consulting and support regarding development and use of radio based technologies

Target group of the working group

  • researchers
  • developers
  • innovators
  • people interested in the field
  • users from manufacturing and logistics
  • system integrators

Added value of the working group

  • Consulting related to planning, use and optimisation of radio based technologies in various application scenarios.
  • accompanying the development of ICs for transponders including transponder solutions with internal and external sensors.
  • system design for radio based system solutions from hardware over software components up to network topologies
  • Middleware ffor transponders and their integration within the software landscape of the company (ERP, LVS systems etc)
  • Manufacturing of systems including components such as transponders, reader, nodes, router, gateways etc.
  • Continuous project support for users from planning upt to productive use
Hand mit Stift zeigt auf Glaswand mit bunten Klebezetteln

Don’t miss it!


The “Radio-based technologies” working group will take place on the following dates* this year:

  • 06.06.2025
  • 04.12.2025

* Subject to change without notice