
Cloud Transformation

The “Cloud Transformation” working group is an information and exchange platform dedicated entirely to the topic of cloud. It is not only German industry and business that are in the midst of a transformation process in which there are different needs and approaches on the part of companies in terms of data. How do I store data? How do I work collaboratively with them? How do I speed up processes and collaboration? These are all questions that not only small and medium-sized enterprises are asking themselves.

In this environment, the topic of cloud transformation is becoming increasingly relevant, especially for the innovative companies in Saxony. The aim of the working group is to provide a wide range of companies with tailored support on the topics of cloud migration and transformation. Together, the aim is to look at clearly defined aspects of cloud transformation and enable an open exchange of experiences.


Bild Arbeitskreisleiter

Sven Jaenicke
Carl Zeiss Digital Innovation GmbH


Linda Splitt
Cloud&Heat Technologies GmbH


  • Viewing transformation processes from all sides
  • Provide guidance
  • Clarification of the added value of the cloud for user companies
  • Interface regarding market requirements of different industries
  • Joint search for ideas and solutions for our ecosystem
  • Support for software companies that operate products via the cloud in the future
  • Support in finding the right partners

Target group of the working group

  • System provider with software products
  • Software manufacturer
  • Software Developer
  • Cloud solutions users
  • Cloud solutions integrators

Added value of the working group

  • Basic information about cloud and migration
  • Support for transformation processes
  • Different technologies and providers at a glance
  • Partnering

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