
Projects offer opportunities – from networking with other national or international players, to jointly developing and elaborating solutions and services, to providing financial support for pioneering innovations or innovators. For this reason, Silicon Saxony has been strengthening its commitment in this area for years. Nationally and on a European level, more than 30 projects have been acquired and implemented to date.

Numbers. Data. Facts.

Icon umgesetzte Projekte: Eine Glühbirne mit zwei Zahnrädern und ein Haken davor.

Implemented projects

Icon Projekte: Eine Glühbirne mit zwei Zahnrädern.

Current ongoing projects

Icon Kooperation: Zwei einschlagende Hände.

Project partners

Current projects

Find out here about our current projects, participation opportunities and specific services.

Impressions of our project work

What our members say

We support you with

Financing your projects

One possible lever for funding your projects is Cascade Funding. This is a mechanism of the EUCommission for the indirect allocation of funds to SMEs and Start-ups through projects already funded by the EU. Open calls here provide access to smaller projects for the development and implementation of innovative digital solutions.


Silicon Saxony supports the development or entry into international markets or regions with its worldwide partner network. Rely on financial and organizational support for travel to our partner regions. Use our contacts to generate visibility in ecosystems and markets that are new to you.

Cooperation initiation

In order to support you in cooperations in the field of technology development, in the expansion of your customer relationships or in the extension of your portfolios, we rely on targeted match-making. In this way, we form project consortia that enable the development of innovative solutions to technological, economic and social challenges.
