Attracting and retaining skilled workers

Our offerings in the specialist area of skilled workers are aimed at securing the long-term growth of Saxony as a business location. In this context, we support companies, research institutes, educational institutions, service providers and public administration alike. In line with our strategy, we have defined two main areas of focus:

Promotion of young talent and professional orientation.
We support young talents in exploring their interests and strengths and offer them insights into the exciting world of the semiconductor and electronics industry.

International professionals.
Through targeted programs and initiatives, we help companies attract international specialists to their Saxon locations and retain them in the long term.

In addition, we provide support in the following fields of action:

Fields of action

Promotion of young talent

Vocational Orientation

International professionals

Job search

Continuing Education & Retraining

Recruiting & Staff Retention

Overview of services

Working Groups

Working groups serve as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience and are an important instrument for engaging in dialogue with network partners. The topics are as diverse as the needs of our members.


In projects, we implement innovative ideas and drive the growth of the industry. Our current projects range from promoting young talent in elementary schools to securing skilled workers at the eropean level.

Position papers

We use position papers to bring the interests of our member companies into political and economic discussions – at regional, national and European level.


As part of our focus magazine NEXT, we have prepared current specialist topics. The thematic spectrum ranges from strategies for overcoming the shortage of skilled workers to promoting young talent and immigration.

Events & Fairs

We organize workshops, events and fairs to promote exchange and networking within the community. These events provide opportunities for learning, inspiration and collaboration.


Storytelling is a as powerful tool to communicate the importance of our industry and the success stories of our members. We tell personal stories of innovation, collaboration and success.

Business and education hand in hand

Participation opportunities

Focus Magazine NEXT

With NEXT “In focus: skilled workers”, we are addressing the central challenge facing our industry: the increasing shortage of skilled workers.

Skilled workers projects

Projects offer you the opportunity to be promoted, to drive innovation, to gain exclusive insights or to actively engage in a specific area. We support you in project initiation, financing and implementation.

Projektlogo METIS


With the increasing use of AI and the associated data processing and storage, new demands are being placed on microelectronics. In the European METIS project, various educational institutions and companies have therefore compiled training and further education offers on the topic of microelectronics – from one-hour webinars to courses lasting several months that are conducted in presence.

Calliope Mini

The extracurricular offering “Calliope Mini” was created as a joint project of various companies, including SAP and Siemens, with funding from the BMWF. The Open Roberta programming platform (freely available) is used for building block-oriented programming. Many schools already have a class set of educational materials for kids and teachers, alternatively it can be funded through GTA funds. It is very suitable for third and fourth graders. In order to offer a “Calliope Mini” program, elementary schools also need an equipped computer cabinet with a projector and Internet connection.

Projektlogo Calliope Mini
Projektlogo PAL - Perspektive Arbeit Lausitz

PAL – Perspective Work Lausitz

Four universities – Cottbus University of Technology, Dresden University of Technology, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and West Saxony University of Applied Sciences Zwickau – and 23 companies and associations from Saxony and Brandenburg are pooling their expertise with the aim of making work in Lusatia effective, attractive and healthier through artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

Working groups


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