
The software industry in Saxony looks back on an excellent development. From over 15,000 employees (subject to social insurance contributions) in 2008, the Saxon software scene grew to over 35,000 employees by 2022 – and has more than doubled since then. Around 2,900 companies are active in this sector in the Free State.

Several of these companies are now united in the Silicon Saxony high-tech network. Here they work in working groups on common positions vis-à-vis politicians, offer valuable knowledge as well as technology transfer and develop their business in close cooperation with other members or partners. Within the scope of the wide-ranging developer conference DecompileD, the industry comes together annually and promotes exchange far beyond the Saxon state borders.

Together with other relevant software networks from Saxony and Germany (eg BITKOM, IT Mitteldeutschland or the IT Bündnis Chemnitz), Silicon Saxony is also working on the vision of “Softwareland Sachsen” with over 50,000 employees.

Working Groups


DecompileD is the annual developer conference and is aimed at all those engineers, developers, tech founders and product owners who are looking for deep technical exchange and real user stories or who want to immerse themselves in the tech community. The event is rounded off by art, culture and entertainment.

Logo DecompileD
Projektlogo PAL - Perspektive Arbeit Lausitz

PAL – Perspective Work Lausitz

Four universities – Cottbus-Senftenberg University of Technology, Dresden University of Technology, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences and West Saxony University of Applied Sciences Zwickau – and 23 companies and associations from Saxony and Brandenburg are pooling their expertise with the aim of making work in Lusatia effective, attractive and healthier through artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

Calliope Mini

The Calliope Mini all-day program (GTA) was created as a joint project between various companies, including SAP and Siemens. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The GTA is very suitable for third and fourth graders. To offer the GTA “Calliope Mini”, elementary schools need a computer cabinet with a projector and Internet connection. The aim of the project is to get children interested in programming at an early age and in a varied way.

Projektlogo Calliope Mini



The shift of software and data to the cloud also plays a major role in Silicon Saxony. It is not only in the “Cloud Transformation” working group that members of our network regularly provide information on this area. Your interest is aroused? Then take a regular look at our cloud pages.

Data security

In addition to the “Security & Privacy” working group, in which the players in our network regularly exchange information, our network works closely with local and national partners such as the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). Your interest is aroused? Then take a regular look at our data protection pages.

Artificial intelligence

In close cooperation with the stakeholders of the working group “Artificial Intelligence”, a position paper on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Saxony was developed, among other things. In addition, Saxony now has its own AI strategy and is driving the field forward. Your interest is aroused? Then take a regular look at our KI pages.


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