Smart SystemsDLR: Quantum computers – out of the lab and into practiceForschung & Entwicklung | Quantum Computing | Research & Development
Smart SystemsTU Dresden: 2.7 million for superconducting “miracle” – Dresden quantum physicist Elena Hassinger receives ERC Consolidator GrantForschung & Entwicklung | Funding | Quantum Computing | Research & Development
MicroelectronicsSMWA: Infineon and ten Saxon partners receive funding of 17.7 million eurosForschung & Entwicklung | Mobility | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductor | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsTU Dresden: Using phosphorus to create innovative optoelectronic componentsForschung & Entwicklung | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductor | Semiconductors
EntrepreneurshipTU Chemnitz: Electrochemist receives one of the most prestigious EU grants for cutting-edge researchElectronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | Funding | Research & Development | Sensors
EntrepreneurshipFraunhofer IMW: Start-up uses swarm intelligence for product developmentForschung & Entwicklung | Production | Produktion | Research & Development | Startups
MicroelectronicsSaxon State Chancellery: Foundation of the European Semiconductor Regions Alliance (ESRA) completedForschung & Entwicklung | Press Release | Research & Development | Semiconductor | Sustainability | Technological Sovereignty
SoftwareArtificial intelligence (AI) – a technology between the panacea and the end of the worldArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Automation | Automatisierung | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | Forschung & Entwicklung | Funding | KĂĽnstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Manufacturing | Production | Produktion | Research & Development | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsHZDR: Miniature power storage units for the new everyday computing worldElectronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | Research & Development
EntrepreneurshipFraunhofer IZM: Practical guide facilitates greenhouse gas balancing in electronics manufacturingEcology & Energy Transition | Forschung & Entwicklung | Ă–kologie & Energiewende | Research & Development | Studies & Reports | Sustainability