Smart Systems

TU Dresden: Partnership with Northeastern University Boston in the field of 6G

February 27, 2024. The Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) and Northeastern University (NEU/Boston) have agreed to cooperate closely in the field of 6G research. At the GSMA Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024, Prof. Tommaso Melodia (NEU) and Prof. Frank H.P. Fitzek (TUD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on February 27 to develop joint research activities on 6G, the next generation of wireless networks and the tactile internet.

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Prof. Fitzek und Prof. Tommaso mit unterzeichnetem MoU auf der MWC 2024. Foto: CeTI

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The MoU builds on the commitment of both institutions to advance the field of wireless communications. The partnership will serve to leverage the expertise and resources in the field of wireless networks that have been and are being researched by the Center for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI) at TUD and the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things (WIoT) at Northeastern University. This is in addition to the activities of the Open6G initiative for open and programmable networks and the Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program.

Tommaso Melodia, Director at WIoT at Northeastern University, said: “We are excited to combine our leading expertise with TUD to advance the next-generation wireless ecosystem. This partnership will establish a unique program for innovation and experimentation that supports the development of open, programmable and AI-integrated networks in collaboration with industry, government agencies and academic institutions.”

Professor Frank H.P. Fitzek (CeTI/TUD) added: “This partnership with Northeastern University underscores our shared vision for the future of telecommunications. By sharing our expertise and resources, we are embarking on a journey to explore uncharted territories of the digital world and promise to deliver technologies that will empower society worldwide.”

The goal of the Memorandum of Understanding is to conduct joint research activities on 6G at TUD and NEU. The collaboration is intended to create synergies that will accelerate research and training efforts in the field of 6G mobile communication systems. By sharing researchers and combining world-leading testbeds, NEU and TUD aim to drive innovation in next-generation wireless networks and applications that require seamless and ubiquitous connectivity with ultra-low latency.


Prof. Frank H. P. Fitzek
Deutsche Telekom – Professorship for Communication Networks
Institute for Communications Engineering
Technical University of Dresden

Prof. Tommaso Melodia
William Lincoln Smith Professor
College of Engineering Faculty Fellow, IEEE Fellow
Director, Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things
Director of Research, PAWR Project Office
Northeastern University

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Photo: CeTI

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