Smart Systems
Your new work colleague is a robot? Your wristwatch tells you it’s time for a little exercise? Your office windows close automatically before a rainstorm hits? Your company car can park on its own? Does your warehouse system automatically trigger an order when spare parts are running low? With an app on your smartphone you can control your heating remotely? Welcome to the age of digitalization. Welcome to the realm of smart systems.

MIND4MACHINES offers cross-industry and pan-European support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector. The aim of the project is to promote the use of the latest digital technologies for smarter, greener and more resource-efficient manufacturing. To this end, demonstrators will be set up to test a range of digital solutions and Smarter Systems that will enable the SMEs involved in the project to both meet the challenges of digitalization and achieve ambitious sustainability goals.
The Smart Systems Hub in Dresden has been one of the national technology beacons of the German government’s “de:hub” concept since 2017. The plan: Within five years, Dresden is to lead the national development of smart systems. Supported by the three co-partners – Silicon Saxony, HighTech Startbahn and 5G Lab – the aim is to lift a technology platform for the construction of smart systems out of its cradle. In the long term, the plan is to develop and market concrete smart systems and overall IoT solutions consisting of local individual components in the areas of hardware, software and connectivity.

Topics in the competence area
Industrial Internet of Things
The term Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) describes the power of intelligent machines and real-time analytics to harness data that machines, or the sensors and actuators built into them, produce in industrial environments. Thanks to IIoT, companies are able to identify inefficiencies and problems at an early stage. Learn more about the IIoT here.
The term automation comes from the Greek (auto matos). It translates as “moving itself”. Automation is often also referred to in connection with automation. Automation means production by means of technical equipment that works entirely without human labor. Learn more about automation here.
Digital Twin
The term Digital Twin refers to the digital representation of a real object based on data. The “twin” aims to improve collaboration, information access and decision-making. A cycle is created where the physical object’s data improves the twin, and the twin’s data improves the physical object. Learn more about the Digital Twin here.