
HZDR: EU project RIANA – A hub for nanosciences and nanotechnology

April 2, 2024. More than 100 participants gathered on March 14 and 15 for a hybrid meeting at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY to celebrate the official launch of the new EU project RIANA. RIANA (Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology) was officially launched on March 1, 2024. The project aims to provide easy access to Europe’s leading facilities in nanoscience and nanotechnology, which play a central role in developing new materials for a better and more sustainable future – including the Ion Beam Center (IBC) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).

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RIANA group photo at the kick-off meeting at DESY. Photo: Svenja Patjens

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The RIANA project offers the user community a unique platform with 69 research facilities from 22 European countries, including synchrotron, electron microscopy, laser, ion beam, neutron, clean room and soft matter research infrastructures as well as high-performance computing. In addition to normal user access to individual facilities, RIANA offers single-point access and particularly strong user support through a network of young scientists.

At the two-day kick-off meeting, the future steps and the program for the next four years were defined in presentations and discussions on the six work packages. “The aim is to create interdisciplinary access to the large and diverse range of excellent instruments available in RIANA for research and development in nanoscience and nanotechnology. A team of young scientists, in close contact with experienced scientists, will provide users with a comprehensive service ranging from proposal writing support to hands-on assistance with experiments and data analysis,” explains Michael Stuckelberger (DESY), scientific coordinator of the RIANA project.

RIANA will engage with academic and industrial users through a rolling call system and promote experiments that combine different facilities and techniques. This combination of scientific tools will enable new approaches and an expansion of the user community, paving the way for accelerated innovation based on nanomaterials.

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Further links

👉 www.hzdr.de

Photo: Svenja Patjens

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