Smart Systems

BTU: Autonomous delivery robots are revolutionizing rural areas

October 11, 2024. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (BTU) is coordinating a new pioneering research project that is investigating the use of autonomous delivery robots in rural areas. The new research project “Delivery Robot-3L”, which will run until June 2027, aims to analyze the challenges and potential of autonomous delivery systems specifically for rural areas in Lusatia and to develop innovative solutions.

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sylvio Simon presents the delivery robot-3L project. Photo: Michael Weist, BTU

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Challenge and vision

The new research project “Lieferroboter-3L”, which runs until June 2027, aims to analyze the challenges and potential of autonomous delivery systems specifically for rural areas in Lusatia and to develop innovative solutions. While delivery robots are already being tested and used in urban areas, rural areas pose a particular challenge. The lower consumer density and the often heterogeneous transport infrastructure make it necessary to develop new approaches that are tailored to the specific requirements of rural regions. The “Lieferroboter-3L” project now aims to evaluate the economic efficiency, social acceptance and technical feasibility of delivery robots in rural areas.

Lusatia Real-World Laboratory: Focus on field studies

As part of the project, the research team led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sylvio from BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is conducting field studies in various rural environments to test the usability and effectiveness of autonomous delivery robots. “These studies provide important insights for the further development of robot technology and its integration into rural infrastructure. We are particularly interested in the question of how these systems can contribute to public services, for example by delivering food, medicines or post,” explains Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sylvio Simon, holder of the Chair of Machine Tools at BTU.

Project partners and funding

The BTU project is being developed in close cooperation with ProFunk electric Service GmbH from Cottbus, Lauer Verkehrstechnik GmbH from Luckau and the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV). Three departments from the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg are represented: the Department of Machine Tools (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sylvio Simon), which deals with the design of the structure of the storage unit, the Department of Factory Planning and Factory Operation (Prof. Dr.-Ing.Ing. Peggy Näser) and the Department of Educational Sciences (Prof. Dr. Juliane Noack Napoles).

Future prospects

With the “Delivery Robot-3L” project, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg is actively contributing to structural change in Lusatia and strengthening the region as a location for innovation. The results of the project could have far-reaching applications beyond Lusatia and make an important contribution to the future of autonomous logistics systems. Municipalities and partners are being sought with whom the project can be jointly launched.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sylvio Simon
Machine Tools
Tel.: +49 (0) 355 69-4581

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Photo: Michael Weist, BTU

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