
Bitkom: Industry sees digitalization as an opportunity for climate protection

15 November 2023: Can digitalization contribute to achieving climate targets – or is it standing in the way? From the perspective of the German economy, the answer is clear: 80% of companies in Germany see digitalization as an opportunity for greater sustainability and climate protection. Only 17 percent see it as a risk in this respect. This is the result of a representative survey of more than 500 companies in Germany with 20 or more employees, which was conducted on behalf of Bitkom.

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Symbolic image of digitization / Photo: pixabay

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According to the survey, the vast majority of companies (89%) believe that those who invest in sustainable technologies have a long-term competitive advantage. Every second company (50%) sees digitalization as an opportunity for new, climate-friendly business models. “The more companies specifically use digital technologies to save energy and reduce their CO2 emissions, the greater the contribution of the economy to climate protection,” says Bitkom CEO Dr. Bernhard Rohleder.

Climate protection and sustainability play a role in many companies. A quarter (25 percent) of companies pursue a sustainability strategy for the company as a whole, while 29 percent have a strategy for individual divisions. A further 34 percent are planning a sustainability strategy. None of these companies are ignoring digital technologies and applications. For more than a quarter (28%), digital technologies are crucial for the implementation of sustainability goals. They are “very important” for 37% and “fairly important” for 28% – that is a total of 93%. Only 5% of companies consider digital technologies and applications to be of “rather minor importance” for the implementation of their own sustainability strategy.

Not a single company with concrete sustainability goals or those still in the planning stage can manage without digitalization. This is also due to the positive experiences that most companies have already had: At 84 percent, CO2 emissions have fallen overall thanks to the use of digital technologies and applications. “Digital climate protection is a huge opportunity for the German economy. Companies are maintaining and increasing their competitiveness and saving CO2 at the same time,” emphasizes Rohleder.

Further links

👉 www.bitkom.org 

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