SoftwareTraffic Accident Research at TU Dresden (VUFO) GmbH: Understanding accidents in order to avoid accidents and their consequencesDigitalisierung | Digitalization | Mobility | NEXT | Silicon Saxony | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
SoftwareFahrzeugsystemdaten (FSD) GmbH: No main inspection (HU) without Saxon know-howDigitalisierung | Digitalization | Mobility | NEXT | Silicon Saxony | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
SoftwareCustomized solutions for hidden championsAutomation | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | NEXT | NEXT | Silicon Saxony | Silicon Saxony | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
SoftwareAWS: 8.8 billion euros to be invested in GermanyCloud | Cloud | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
SoftwareDUALIS: WITTE Automotive plans space allocation with AREAPLANProduction | Produktion | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung | Standard software
Human ResourcesFemale STEM mentors point the way to more diversity in the high-tech sectorAus- & Weiterbildung | Diversity | Education & Training | Robotics | Semiconductor | Semiconductors | Silicon Saxony | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
SoftwareBitkom: Implementation of the AI Act will determine Europe’s opportunities in AIArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | KĂĽnstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
SoftwareBitkom: Digital industry unimpressed by crisesDigitalisierung | Digitalization | IT | IT | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung | Technological Sovereignty
Silicon Saxony, Software#5: Designing instead of consuming – How do we make our children digitally fit?Aus- & Weiterbildung | Education & Training | Podcast | Podcast | Recruiting | Recruiting | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
Silicon Saxony#3: Low Code & No Code: Hype oder Heiliger Gral der Softwarebranche?Digitalisierung | Digitalisierung | Podcast | Podcast | Softwareentwicklung | Softwareentwicklung