MicroelectronicsImec and ZEISS: Intensified cooperation with the signing of a new strategic partnership agreementElectronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | Funding | Halbleiter | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsInfineon: Approval for EU Chips Act funding received – IPCEI funding drives innovation projects in EuropeFunding | Halbleiter | Promotion | Resilience | Semiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsFraunhofer and Free State of Saxony: Saxony funds microelectronics research with 38 million euros as part of the EU Chips ActCleanroom | Ecology & Energy Transition | Halbleiter | Ă–kologie & Energiewende | Packaging | Packaging | Production | Produktion | Research & Development | Semiconductors | Sustainability | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsSemi: 18 new semiconductor factories to start construction in 2025Halbleiter | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsBMWK: Starting signal given for the state-of-the-art chip factory “ESMC” in DresdenFunding | Halbleiter | Promotion | Resilience | Semiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
Human ResourcesSilicon Saxony and Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences: Semiconductor process knowledge to become part of a new degree program in Zittau/GörlitzAus- & Weiterbildung | Education & Training | Electronics | Halbleiter | Process Technologies | Semiconductors
Entrepreneurship, MicroelectronicsSEMICON Europe 2024 – When politics becomes more important than solving current global challengesEcology & Energy Transition | Funding | Halbleiter | Internationalisierung | Internationalization | Promotion | Semiconductors | Silicon Saxony | Silicon Saxony | Sustainability
MicroelectronicsInfineon: World’s thinnest silicon power wafer unveiledForschung & Entwicklung | Halbleiter | Research & Development | Semiconductors
EntrepreneurshipWFS: Study: Strong growth effects for location through Saxony’s semiconductor ecosystemHalbleiter | Internationalisierung | Internationalization | Semiconductor
MicroelectronicsThe billions foregone and their reasons – Intel and ZF/Wolfspeed “postpone” EU Chips Act projectsCleanroom | Electronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | Halbleiter | IC Design | IC Design | Internationalisierung | Internationalization | Nanoelectronics | Packaging | Packaging | Research & Development | Semiconductors | Silicon Saxony | Silicon Saxony | Technological Sovereignty