As part of the “Digital School Saxony” initiative, the Saxon State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs is funding a Saxony-wide school network to strengthen computer and media education. The main aim of the initiative is to prepare young people at an early stage for the challenges of an increasingly digitalized working and living environment. Schools that are particularly committed to computer science, computer science-related disciplines and digitalization can apply for this title. The new application round will start in April 2024.
The 24 network schools will receive support in the implementation of individual objectives through exchanges with other schools and the involvement of external stakeholders such as regional companies, universities and research institutions. The aim is to create new learning spaces for pupils in order to arouse a broader interest in computer science and relieve the burden on teachers when designing lessons.
The 24 award-winning schools:
East Saxony region:
Diesterwegschule (Görlitz)
Schiller-Gymnasium Bautzen
Semper-Oberschule (Dresden)
Friedrich-Schleiermacher-Gymnasium Niesky
Oberschule Elstra
Dr.-Salvador-Allende-Oberschule Bautzen
Berufliches Schulzentrum Christoph Lüders Görlitz
Gymnasium “Geschwister Scholl” Nossen
Gymnasium Dresden-Johannstadt
Oberschule “Carl Friedrich Gauß” Pirna-Sonnenstein
West Saxony region:
Freie Schule Erzgebirgsblick
Winter sports campus Klingenthal
Vocational school center Delitzsch “Dr. Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch”
Oberschule “Heinrich von Trebra”
Evangelisches Schulzentrum Oberes Vogtland – Evangelische Oberschule Schöneck
Evangelisches Schulzentrum Oberes Vogtland – Evangelisches Berufliches Gymnasium Schöneck
DPFA-Regenbogen-Oberschule Zwickau
DPFA-Regenbogen Gymnasium Zwickau
Oberschule Lößnitz
Lessing-Gymnasium Döbeln
Goethe-Gymnasium (Auerbach/Vogtl)
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Further links
👉 Initiative Digitale Schule Sachsen
Graphic: SMK