European Chips Skills Academy
Specialists for microelectronics
As a follow-up to the METIS project, the European Chips Skills (ECS) Academy will establish an industrial university network offering scholarships, apprenticeships, access to laboratory facilities, professional training and online courses.
The ECS Academy Initiative responds to current industry challenges with a groundbreaking, comprehensive initiative designed to strengthen innovation and resilience in the microelectronics industry. It will bridge the gap between general education and industry and address the acute shortage of skilled workers and talent in Europe. The ESC Academy will implement the Pact for Skills, create an innovative decentralized academy, and develop modern training modules and curricula.
Duration: October 2023 – September 2027
Target group: Education and training providers, HR managers from small, medium and large companies as well as talents and students

Online webinar
European Chips Skills Academy (ECSA): Summer School 2024 successfully completed
The ECSA Summer School took place in Bertinoro (Italy) from August 19 to 23. The participating students experienced top-class presentations and lectures by selected experts from science and industry. The focus was on topics such as semiconductor technology, integrated circuit design, digital systems and embedded intelligence as well as integration.
The project at a glance
- Address skills shortages,
- attract new talent,
- Qualification of workforce in the field of microelectronics
- 18 stakeholders (industry, associations, research, study and training institutions from the field of microelectronics) from 11 countries
What & How
- Industrial university network to provide European microchip companies with a sufficient and high-quality pool of skilled workers
- Diversity, equal opportunities and integration as main pillars
- Student training
- Retraining of workers
Related links
Extensive European network
Join the European Chips Skills Alliance to work together to promote skills, share best practices and strengthen Europe’s competitiveness in the microelectronics sector.
Project partners