
SAP and Bosch: exchanging data without sharing the actual data

February 12, 2024 Data is one of the most valuable resources for SAP customers and partners. It helps to optimize strategic decision-making processes and secure competitive advantages. However, the collection and processing of data immediately raises concerns about security and data protection for many people. For this reason, SAP and Bosch are working together to exploit the potential of secure multi-party computations (MPCs). These multi-party computations enable secure and privacy-preserving data analysis across different companies and industries.

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Secure computations at industry level

MPC is an advanced cryptographic technique. It offers significant benefits to SAP customers and partners who frequently deal with sensitive data from multiple sources and parties. With MPC, multiple parties can perform a calculation together without revealing any sensitive information that may be contained in their input data.

This is a major achievement. Many companies often fear that the risk of sharing their data openly is greater than the potential value of the sharing itself. One example is the supply chain where multiple parties are involved. With asset-level tracking, companies can collect large amounts of data, for example on the time, location or handling of the goods they produce. Combining the data collected by the different companies involved can bring significant benefits. However, two companies may only be willing to share information about the items they have both handled along the supply chain. With secure and private calculations, MPC can help solve this dilemma.

Confidentiality and compliance assured

This allows companies to perform complex data analysis and calculations without compromising confidentiality or compliance. Gartner predicts that by 2025, around 60 percent of large companies will use one or more techniques to improve data protection for analytics, business intelligence or cloud computing.

“Companies can achieve the best results when they work together in business networks. And data sharing is one of the key elements in such partner networks. MPC helps to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and misuse and at the same time valuable insights can be gained through analysis,” says Volkmar Lotz, Head of SAP Security Research at the SAP Innovation Center Network. Through secure benchmarking, fraud detection, supply chain optimization or personalized services, MPC facilitates data exchange and collaboration across different companies and industries, opening up new opportunities for innovation and growth.

Lifting MPC to the cloud

In order to meet the demand for more data protection, Bosch Research has initiated the open source project Carbyne Stack to provide MPC for a cloud environment. This ensures confidentiality and data protection when processing data through cloud services.

“Carbyne Stack is a kind of cloud-native operating system for MPC workloads that manages resources to run as efficiently as possible in multi-cloud deployments,” explains Sven Trieflinger, Senior Project Manager and Group Leader at Bosch Research. “From a business perspective, it is the seed for an emerging open ecosystem of technology building blocks that will accelerate the development and adoption of MPC technology across multiple industries.”

Make storage and processing services easier to use

SAP recently joined the Carbyne Stack as a contributor. Both partners are leaders in data security, cloud computing and business applications. Working together, they will explore the potential of MPC for different use cases and industries. Especially those where security and privacy concerns are currently an obstacle. One of the first topics for SAP will be to make Carbyne Stack storage and processing services easy to use via the browser and to add support for deploying Carbyne Stack on Amazon Web Services (AWS). These changes will help SAP work towards its goal of providing privacy-preserving data processing services across different organizations and industries. This will create new opportunities for innovative business models.

“By combining the strengths of SAP and Bosch, we want to drive the further development of MPC technology and enable new business cases for our customers and partners,” explains Lotz.

SAP plans to cover use cases in industries such as automotive, manufacturing, healthcare and finance. Exploring the potential of MPC offers the opportunity to revolutionize these industries. By solving critical privacy and security challenges without compromising collaboration and innovation.

If you would like to learn more about secure multi-party computing, you can contact us at

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Silicon Saxony

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