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SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden

Company type

Medium-sized companies (<250 employees or <50 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment·Services


Machinery & Equipment·Production·Research & Development·Software·Technology


Aerospace·Computers·Equipment·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry


About this member

SPEKTRA's roots reach deep into the wonderful city of Dresden. Founded in 1994 by employees of the former VEB Robotron Messelektronik Dresden, the medium-sized family business has established itself as a renowned manufacturer of components and systems for testing and calibrating sensors.

For almost 30 years, we have been producing high-precision measuring devices that are used worldwide for the reliable measurement of dynamic physical quantities such as vibrations, rotation rates or sound pressure.

In 2008, the merger with the US manufacturer of modal exciters “APS” enabled us to join forces and use our decades of joint experience to develop and manufacture a new generation of even more powerful exciter systems.

SPEKTRA is often a pioneer in the development, manufacture and sale of electronic measuring devices and mechanical vibration and shock exciters. The use of this technology to provide specialized services and equipment for metrological and industrial applications has given the company a leading international position in an interesting growth market.

Our mission goes far beyond the development and manufacture of products. In our modern business premises in Dresden, we not only develop and produce innovative products, but also offer accredited services at the highest level. And with an accuracy that can otherwise only be guaranteed by the best national metrology laboratories.

For us, membership of Silicon Saxony is both an inspiration and an incentive for further innovations to drive forward the future of metrology. As a shaper of the Saxon metrology landscape, we are proud to be at the cutting edge of the latest technologies, especially in the field of MEMS sensors.

has a history

SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden, Germany was launched in 1994 by employees of the former state-owned company VEB Robotron Messelektronik Dresden, Department of sound, vibration and force measurement. Up to 1989, this company was one of the leading manufacturers of measurement instrumentation for sound and vibration engineering worldwide.

Based on decades of experience in the field of “electrical measurement of mechanical quantities”, SPEKTRA has developed into a stable, mid-sized enterprise in the field of sound and vibration engineering.

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