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Siemens EDA

Company type

Target markets

Design-for-Test·Embedded Systems·IC Nanometer Design·Prototyping·System Modeling


Micro- / Nanoelektronics


Aerospace·Design-for-Test·Electronic·Embedded systems·IC Nanometer Design·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Prototyping·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Software·System Modeling·System- and IC-Design



ArnulfstraĂźe 201
80634 MĂĽnchen
+49 89 57096-0

Contact Person

Martin Niehoff
+49 89 57096-239

About this member

Siemens Electronic Design Automation GmbH, a leading technology company in the field of Electronic Design Automation (EDA), provides advanced electronic design solutions to help its customers realize higher-performance electronic products faster and at lower cost. The company’s portfolio includes innovative products, solutions and services that help engineers meet the growing design challenges of increasingly complex board and chip designs. Siemens EDA has the broadest industry portfolio of leading EDA products and is the only EDA company with an embedded software solution. Founded in 1981 in Wilsonville, Oregon, USA (headquarters) as Mentor Graphics, the company had total revenues of approximately $1.090 billion in 2012 and employs approximately 5000 people worldwide. The globally active company has over 70 branches worldwide. Support for the Central and Eastern European market is coordinated in Munich.

Further information at: https://eda.sw.siemens.com

Product offering
Siemens EDA offers its customers all the necessary tools for IC, PCB and electronic system design. In addition, the company also provides targeted solutions for specific markets such as wireless communications or automotive electronics.

Scalable Verification:
Hardware/Software Co-Verification, ADVanceMS The Scalable VerificationTM platform represents the most comprehensive EDA solution for functional verification, combining off-the-shelf tools with a “design for verification” methodology to accelerate verification and eliminate design revisions. The platform includes leading technologies such as the ModelSim® simulation environment, Seamless® for analog/mixed-signal verification, FormalProTM for design equivalence verification, and the VStationTM and CelaroTM hardware emulation platforms.

Manufacturing-grade design:
To reliably meet the challenges posed by advanced process technology, design teams can take advantage of the Calibre® integrated design-to-silicon platform. Calibre provides physical verification, parasitic effects analysis for the complete chip and tools such as DFM (Design For Manufacturability), MDP (Mask Data Preparation) or RET (Resolution Enhancement Technologies). Graphics TestKompress® is an embedded deterministic test tool and helps companies design complex devices or identify new defect types while reducing test costs.

Integrated PCB FPGA System Design:
Siemens EDA is the market and technology leader in PCB design. Many of the world’s largest system manufacturers rely on Siemens EDA’s scalable design solutions to reduce their development time, cost and design risk: The ExpeditionTM series is designed to develop the most complex PCB designs, while the Board Station® family is the standard PCB design solution for global companies. With the PADS® design flow, Siemens EDA also offers the leading Windows-based solution for complex PCB designs.

Siemens EDA rounds out its product portfolio with tools and services for special design and application requirements such as fast routing, package verification, design teams working in parallel, FPGA-on-board integration or design data management. These tools include

  • Catapult C Synthesis – enabling design teams to develop reliable ASIC or FPGA hardware with up to 50 percent smaller chip area and significantly faster.
  • The Capital HarnessTM system is a design environment developed specifically for the cabling industry and provides a data-centric tool for electrical systems and their corresponding harnesses or wiring harnesses.
  • The Nucleus® software development platform provides royalty-free source code, a real-time operating system (RTOS), and a fully integrated development system for embedded designs.
  • The Platform ExpressTM environment verifies the functionality of interfaces and design parts around the embedded processor or its peripheral functions, reducing development cycles.

Last but not least, Siemens EDA complements its powerful tools with appropriate consulting offers and services, so that the customer can be sure to get the right support at the right time anywhere in the world.

Siemens EDA , Seamless, ModelSim, Calibre, TestKompress, Board Station, PADS and Nucleus are registered trademarks of Siemens EDA GmbH. ADVanceMS, Celaro, Catapult C Synthesis, FormalPro, VStation , Expedition, Platform Express and Capital Harness are trademarks of Siemens EDA GmbH.

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