Home | Mitglieder | SAW COMPONENTS Dresden GmbH


Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets





Aerospace·Chips·Communication·Displays; MEMS/MOMS·Electronic·Environmental Technoloy·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Rail / Automotive·RF Transmission·RFID Solutions·Sensor Technology·Sensors·Surface Waves·Wireless Data Communication



Manfred-von-Ardenne-Ring 7
01099 Dresden
+49 351 8872 510

Contact Person

Steffen Zietzschmann
0351 88 725 10

About this member

At SAW Components Dresden, we have been developing and producing surface acoustic wave (SAW) components for over 30 years and now also many other products related to thin-film technology and nanostructuring. Important pillars of our success are sustainability, quality awareness and flexibility. Our customers come to us from all over the world, from Vancouver to Kyoto, and place their trust in microelectronics from Dresden.


SAW COMPONENTS Dresden GmbH knows that its reputation on the market is characterized by recognized high technical and economic quality. And we want to keep it that way.

Our customers can rely on this:

  • Modern production facility with high-tech manufacturing and testing equipment
  • Best quality at the best price-performance ratio
  • Compliance with the tightest tolerances
  • Statistical process control (SPC) for all core processes
  • Customer-specific quality agreements
  • Careful treatment of the environment, energy-optimized work
  • High quality standards and comprehensive customer support for innovations


  • ISO 9001 since 2000
  • ISO 13485 since 2023

The medium-sized company  SAW COMPONENTS Dresden GmbH located in Saxony develops and manufactures  electronic devices for all ranges of high-frequency engineering and radio frequency transmission, sensor technology and  radio frequency identification working with Surface Acoustic Waves.
The competences of SAW COMPONENTS Dresden GmbH are:

  • Mass production  of SAW-filters and SAW-resonators on highest technical level.
  • Flexible and effective manufacturing of medium and small quantities.
  • Production of RF-ID-Tags.
  • Production of SAW-sensors.
  • Customer design and production of SAW-filters, SAW-resonators, SAW-RF-ID-Tags and SAW-sensors.
  • Wafer foundry service for SAW-process.
  • Process-technology-service for best precision and highest  cleanness.

Fast realization of customer requirements is the feature of SAW COMPONENTS Dresden GmbH.

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