Home | Mitglieder | Labor- und Reinraumtechnik Arnsdorf GmbH

Labor- und Reinraumtechnik Arnsdorf GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment


Materials·Production·Upstream Industry


Acrylbearbeitung (en)·Biotechnology·Carrier Nass-Chemie·Digestorien (en)·Einzel- und Serienfertigung von Kunststoff-Teilen (en)·Filterbehälter (en)·Materials·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Reinraumeinrichtungen·Semiconductor Industry·Transportwagen


About this member

Welcome to Labor- und Reinraumtechnik Arnsdorf GmbH

As of July 1, 2018, the sales and assembly capacities of the laboratory technology divisions of VARIALUX GmbH and Rotter Reinstraumservice were separated from GK Sondermaschinenbau GmbH and merged into Labor- und Reinraumtechnik Arnsdorf GmbH.

This enables us to offer even more efficient processes and a wider range of products and thus meet our customers' requirements even better.

GK Sondermaschinenbau GmbH and VARIALUX GmbH remain important cooperation partners in the field of metalworking.

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