Home | Mitglieder | Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft Dünne Schichten e.V.

Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft Dünne Schichten e.V.

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility


Exhibition and conference service provider·Research & Development·Technology


Aerospace·AiF Projektförderung·Applications·Beschichtungen für die Bio- und Medizintechnik·Beschichtungstechnologien für optische und elektronische Funktionalisierung·Biotechnology·Computers·Electronic·Energy Systems·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·Expertennetzwerk für Oberflächen- und Dünnschichttechnologie·Funktionalisierung von Kunststoffen·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Networks·Photovoltaics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry·Smart Systems·Tribologische Schichten



Gostritzer Straße 63
01217 Dresden
0351 / 871 83 70

Contact Person

Prof. Dr. techn.-Ing. Udo Klotzbach
+49 351 871-8370

About this member

The European Research Association for Thin Films (EFDS e.V.) is a European network focusing on thin film technologies.

We support members from industry and research.

The EFDS e.V. is a member of the AiF - the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations "Otto von Guericke" e.V. and initiates projects of industrial joint research, which are financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.

We organize the exchange of experience between research and industry to solve common problems through joint projects. Pre-competitive research aims to develop modern surface technologies.

We offer our members:
  • an active and established network
  • participation in 3 technical committees ("Biomedical Technology", "Optics, Electronics & Energy" and "Tribological Systems")
  • collaboration and participation in workshops, tutorials, congresses and conferences
  • access to the PLASMA GERMANY network and contact to 10 other affiliated networks
  • exclusive events for EFDS members only
  • further training opportunities
  • various opportunities to present your company or institute
  • Participation in project-accompanying committees for joint industrial research
  • EFDS e.V. motivates the dialog and scientific communication between the responsible experts of the companies and the scientists of the research institutes
  • EFDS e.V. supports marketing, promotion and further development
  • EFDS e.V. as a mouthpiece for opinion-forming
  • EFDS e.V. as a crystallization point

Vacuum technology, plasma technology, coating technology, measurement technology


Tribological systems, bio-medical technology & life science, optics & photonics, energy, electronics


Automotive, aerospace, IT & electronics, environmental technology, bio-life science, polymer and textile technology, mechanical & process engineering, materials science

One of the most essential tasks of the EFDS lies in promoting close cooperation between companies and institutes which are active in the fields of development of materials, plant technology, sub-contracting and surface characterization.

  • Application and coaching of industrial R&D projects
  • Working out of expert’s reports for new products, business strategies and investment projects
  • Business consulting – benchmarking
  • Networking and project management
  • Consulting in the field of surface technology especially of plasma and vacuum processing.
  • Agency of subcontracting and industial partners, organizing of prototyping
  • Presentation at trade shows
  • Organization of tutorials, workshops conferences 

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