Home | Mitglieder | Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health

Else Kröner Fresenius Center for Digital Health

Company type

Research institution

Target markets

Life science


Research & Development·Software·Technology


Communication·Electronic·Equipment·Medical Technology / Pharma·R&D Centres·Software


About this member

The EKFZ-DG supports innovative medical projects from the initial idea to the prototype.

The vision of the EKFZ-DG is to bring together the expertise of medical professionals and high-tech specialists to create ideal framework conditions for promising medical research. Driven by concrete medical needs and with direct access to the medical infrastructure, the EKFZ_DG's research projects accelerate the digitalization of medicine. The EKFZ-DG aims to foster a generation of physicians with comprehensive technical knowledge and skills and, conversely, engineers with a deep understanding of medical and patient needs.

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