Home | Mitglieder | Drees & Sommer SE

Drees & Sommer SE

Company type

Large companies (>250 employees or >50 million annual sales)

Target markets

Electronics·Food·Infrastructure·Life science·Logistics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Public Sector·Services·Textile·Trade and Sales


Architecture & engineering·Logistics·Machinery & Equipment·Management Consulting


Aerospace·Biotechnology·Facilities·Medical Technology / Pharma·other·Photovoltaics·Rail / Automotive·Semiconductor Industry


About this member

As a leading European consulting, planning and project management company, Drees & Sommer has been supporting private and public clients and investors for over 50 years in all matters relating to real estate and infrastructure - both analog and digital. This results in economical and sustainable buildings, profitable real estate portfolios, people-oriented working environments and visionary mobility concepts.

In interdisciplinary teams, over ~5,100 employees at 59 locations worldwide support clients from a wide range of industries. The partner-managed company provides all services under the premise of combining economy and ecology. This holistic approach is called "the blue way" at Drees & Sommer.

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