Home | Mitglieder | DID Dresdner Institut für Datenschutz

DID Dresdner Institut für Datenschutz

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Logistics·Public Sector·Services·Trade and Sales


Law & taxes·Software


Communication·Consulting·other·Public Relations



Hospitalstraße 4
01097 Dresden

Contact Person

Max Just
+49 351 655 77 20
Datenschutz- und Informationssicherheitsbeauftragter
 Max Just

About this member

Protecting data ultimately means protecting people and their privacy. We support companies and authorities in fulfilling this demanding task. Many years of experience in various sectors form the basis of our work. We keep an eye on both the legal regulations and the requirements of our clients in their day-to-day work. Our clients can therefore always expect practical advice from our team of lawyers, qualified and certified data protection officers and auditors as well as IT security officers.

Our daily work with our clients in Saxony, Germany and Switzerland is based on the many years of experience of our team, the regular exchange of experience with experienced partners and supervisory authorities as well as continuous further training on current and essential topics. The size of our team enables us to provide advice for various sectors, including with regard to any special legal requirements. For many years, corporate groups, small and medium-sized enterprises, associations, local authorities and government agencies, universities, scientific and research institutions, law firms and tax consultancy firms as well as care, social and church institutions have valued our extensive expertise.

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