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DAS Environmental Expert GmbH

Company type

Target markets

Development·etc.)·manufacturing·on-site and remote service·optimization·Point-of-use waste gas treatment·Wastewater treatment (point-of-use


Micro- / Nanoelektronics


Development·Environmental Technoloy·Equipment·etc.)·Manufacturing·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·on-site and remote service·Optimization·photovoltaics·Point-of-use waste gas treatment·Semiconductor Industry·TFR Bioreactor·Waste Gas Abatement·Waste Gas Treatment·Wastewater Treatment·Wastewater treatment (point-of-use


About this member

Die DAS Environmental Expert GmbH, mit Sitz in Dresden, ist ein Umwelttechnologie-Unternehmen. 1991 gegründet, zählt das Unternehmen zu den weltweit führenden Technologie- und Equipmentanbietern für Prozessabgasentsorgungslösungen. Die Technologie wird bei den international agierenden Branchengrößen der Halbleiter-, TFT-, LED- und Elektronikindustrie sowie in der Solarindustrie, Nanotechnologie und MEMS-Fertigung eingesetzt.

In einem zweiten Geschäftsbereich entwickelt das Unternehmen Verfahrens- und Anlagenlösungen zur Behandlung und Wiederverwendung von industriellen Abwässern. Dabei greifen wir auf eine langjährige Erfahrung in den folgenden Branchen zurück: Halbleiter-, Chemische-, Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie sowie Papierindustrie, Kosmetikindustrie und Pharmaindustrie.

Das Leistungsportfolio von DAS EE umfasst dabei nicht nur die Beratung, Planung, Montage und Inbetriebnahme sondern auch sowie die Wartung, Instandhaltung und Optimierung bzw. das Betreiben der Abwasserbehandlungsanlage im Auftrag des Kunden .

DAS Environmental Expert ist weltweit tätig und beschäftigt derzeit ca. 850 + Beschäftigte. In 11 Niederlassungen auf vier Kontinenten arbeiten wir an der Weiterentwicklung unserer Produkte sowie der Pflege unseres Anlagenbestands. 

Company Profile


With innovative technologies for waste gas and wastewater treatment we create balance between industrial growth and the preservation of natural resources.

Founded in 1991, we are an owner-managed company with headquarters in Dresden/Germany and subsidiaries in Taiwan, Korea, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Argentina, Peru and the USA.

Our abatement concepts are always customized and manufactured according to high industrial standards in Germany. Our worldwide service teams professionally support all systems installed.

Due to our in-house R&D capacities at our Headquarters in Dresden/Germany as well as in the innovation centres in Taiwan and the USA, we cooperate closely with our customers and adopt quickly to new innovation cycles. Our solutions comply with the highest quality and safety standards of the high-tech industry and meet the demanding requirements of the German TA Luft (Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control) as well as municipal regulations for discharging into bodies of water.

Our systems guarantee:

  • Health and safety
  • Environmental protection
  • Stability of manufacturing processes

All this makes DAS Environmental Expert one of the leading companies in its sector and a reliable ESG partner for industrial companies.

SALIX - waste gas scrubber for wet bench applications

Innovative waste gas treatment systems at the point of use

Point-of-use waste gas abatement systems of DAS Environmental Experts treat process gases as they accrue e.g. in the semiconductor, photovoltaic, LED and TFT industry. DAS scrubbers treat condensable, flammable, corrosive, reactive, toxic and/or pyrophoric gases and fine dust. Our process portfolio includes burn/wet systems, wet scrubber, pyrolysis and electrostatic filters.

Water Treatment for the High-Tech Industry

Efficient and scalable plants for water treatment

DAS Environmental Experts water treatment plants use mechanical, biological and/or chemical-physical processes to bring the specific pollutants in industrial wastewater within the permissible limits. DAS EE solutions are always a perfect fit – regardless of whether a single wastewater treatment stage is to be installed or an entire factory is to be equipped with systems for the treatment of process , industrial or wastewater.

DAS wastewater solutions in high-tech manufacturing include:

  • Removal of organic contaminants, measured as chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), from wastewaters
  • Removal of heavy metals or other toxic compounds
  • Treatment of chemical mechanical polishing/planarization (CMP) wastewater
  • Treatment of silicon waste
  • Treatment and polishing of wastewater containing fluoride and arsenic
  • Treatment of isopropanol (IPA) or other volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Reuse of treated wastewater (water recycling)
  • Recovery and recycling of valuable metals from wastewater
DAS EE point-of-use solution for particle filtration and water recycling

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