Home | Mitglieder | CiBOARD electronic GmbH

CiBOARD electronic GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Life science·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Services


Research & Development·Technology


Aerospace·Applications·Communication·Computers·Electronic·Embedded systems·Medical Technology / Pharma·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Rail / Automotive·Smart Systems



Schönherrstrasse 8 Haus 10c
09113 Chemnitz

Contact Person

Dipl.-Ing. Michael Schwitzer
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Schwitzer

About this member

As a flexible and efficient engineering service provider, CiBOARD electronic takes on all tasks in the field of hardware development. From feasibility studies, circuit diagrams, layouts, simulations, PCB technology consulting, EMC measurements, troubleshooting, prototyping to production optimization and series transfer - our customers use our expertise to develop new high-end products.

We are particularly efficient in the area of high-density and complex assemblies, e.g. high-speed layouts in the field of data communication and image processing. The level of our layout expertise is documented by several awards from national and international PCB design competitions.

From small start-ups and hidden champions to large corporations in the D/A/CH region - we are the reliable extension for your development department!

CiBOARD electronic – Ihr Ingenieurdienstleister fĂĽr die Hardware-Entwicklung

• Projektberatung / Consulting
• Schaltungsentwicklung / Schematic Design
• Simulation (analog, SI, PI, thermo)
• Leiterplatten-Layouts / PCB Design
• Bibliothekspflege / Library Management
• Programmierung / Software
• Komplettentwicklungen
• CE/EMV-Tests / Pre-Compliance
• Fertigungsbetreuung / Optimierung
• Redesigns & Reengineering

Wir unterstĂĽtzen Ihre Entwicklungsabteilung bei der Umsetzung Ihrer elektronischen Baugruppen, angefangen von einzelnen Leiterplatten bis hin zum Komplettgerät. Mit unserer Layoutexpertise meistern wir auch die höchsten BestĂĽckungsdichten und die komplexesten Lagenaufbauten – egal ob starr, starrflex oder flex.

Wir entwickeln fĂĽr Sie in den Bereichen:
• Analog / Digital
• HDI/Microvia – Multilayer
• Advanced/Ultra-HDI
• HighSpeed / HF / Impedanzkontrolliert
• StarrFlex / Langflex
• Hochstrom
• Chip-On-Board
• Embedded Components
• Module / Einschubkarten / Einsteckkarten

Sprechen Sie uns an – komplexe Designs sind unser täglich Brot!

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