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BIZ | LAW Rechtsanwälte

01097 Dresden
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About this member
BIZ | LAW Rechtsanwälte offers legal advice for technology companies, research institutions and leading-edge clusters. We advise medium-sized companies as well as start-ups, universities and the public sector. Our clients come almost exclusively from the six key enabling technologies (KETs) of micro- and nanoelectronics, photonics, materials, biotechnology and production. They are actively shaping the future trends known as digitalization, Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT). We support them in this.
Our areas of advice are tailored to the needs of our clients. We advise in the areas of (international) commercial and contract law, corporate law, employment law, IP/IT law and innovation transfer. We support our clients with first-class legal advice and many years of industry experience, from company formation, restructuring and financing to legal support for operational business and the targeted establishment of business contacts from our extensive network.
BIZ | LAW supports SMEs and corporations in the high technology industry in reaching their entrepreneurial goals both regionally and internationally by providing tailor made legal advice.
BIZ | LAW is an internationally-focused law firm for business and corporate law providing legal advice to young and mid-sized companies conducting business globally. We provide our clients – who come primarily from the high-tech micro and nanotechnology industry as well as photovoltaic and biotech – with reliable advice in all questions related to their international business activities – in particular in the American market.
Dresden is located in the heart of Europe’s largest microelectronics cluster, Silicon Saxony, and offers an excellent environment for growing regional businesses as well as domestic and foreign businesses looking to relocate here. We accompany you on the way to attaining your business goals.
Our attorneys are adept networkers who are also able to confidently operate in different cultures – not only in Europe but also America and Asia. Our clients benefit not only from our reliable legal representation but also from our well-established networks – in particular in Saxony and Germany.