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Berufsakademie Sachsen

Company type

Educational institution

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment·Public Sector·Services


Education·Machinery & Equipment·Research & Development·Software·Technology


Colleges / Universities·Communication·Computers·Duales Studium (en)·Electronic·other·Semiconductor Industry·Software·Studienbereich Technik (en)·Studienbereich Wirtschaft (en)


About this member

As a renowned state university of cooperative education, we offer a dual study program that pays off together with currently around 850 active recognized practice partners!

Students complete a three-year academic course alternating between theory and practice. This makes it possible to apply what they have learned directly and gain important experience in their future field of work. The course is therefore not only interlinked with practice in terms of organization, but also in terms of content - it is practice-integrated.

Another advantage: the partner company pays a training allowance of at least 440 euros (valid since 01.10.2015) or 800 euros on average. Students are also employees of the company who are subject to social insurance contributions.

After three intensive years of study, graduates receive an accredited Bachelor's degree. Their career opportunities are excellent - placement rates of consistently around 90 percent directly after graduation speak for themselves.

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