Home | Mitglieder | 3D Interaction Technologies GmbH

3D Interaction Technologies GmbH

Company type

Small companies (<50 employees or <10 million annual turnover)

Target markets

Electronics·Machinery and Equipment·Mobility·Services




3D-Echtzeit-Visualisierung·3D-Konfiguratoren·Communication·Computers·Electronic·Equipment·Micro- / Nanoelektronics·Public Relations·Semiconductor Industry·Software·Virtuelle Exponate



Schubertstraße 39
01307 Dresden

Contact Person

Dr. Henry Wojcik
+49-351-219 674 95

About this member

Why 3D real time

A picture is worth a thousand words - an interactive 3D visualization more than many pictures.
Studies show that 3D visualizations help people to understand information more quickly and effectively. Use this advantage for yourself, at your trade fair stand, in training courses and in sales talks.

What we do

If you want to get people excited about your products, you have to show them!
3DIT develops innovative media and presentation tools - regardless of whether it's about structure, functionality or variety. This is how we turn trade fair presentations and showrooms into a lasting 3D experience.

Why 3DIT

Are you a high-tech company with the latest technological standards? Then your product presentations should be just as high-quality. Our programmers, engineers and designers depict every exhibit and every process as realistically as possible and in as much detail as necessary.

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