Smart SystemsSupraTix Unveils AINA: A Pioneering Lab Cobot Featuring Vision-to-Teach TechnologyArtificial Intelligence | Automation | Cleanroom | Digital Twins | Digitalization | Edge Computing | Education & Training | IT | Press Release | Research & Development | Robotics | Sensors | Startups | System Design
Smart SystemsIntel: x86 ecosystem advisory group formed to accelerate innovation for developers and customersIT | Research & Development | Software Development
Smart SystemsHZDR: AI-capable supercomputer “ELBJUWEL” to be built in SaxonyArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Digitalization | IT | Research & Development | Technological Sovereignty
Smart SystemsBMBF: An important step towards industrial quantum computersQuantum Computing | Research & Development | Technological Sovereignty
Smart SystemsFraunhofer IPMS: Interface problem solved – UDDC ensures smooth transmission of image data to microdisplaysConnectivity | Electronics | Research & Development
Smart SystemsFraunhofer FEP: Innovative pilot line for vacuum coating and thermal post-treatment of flexible ultra-thin glassMechanical & Plant Engineering | Process Technologies | Research & Development
Smart SystemsBTU: Autonomous delivery robots are revolutionizing rural areasAutomation | Research & Development | Robotics
Smart SystemsBosch: New radar-based assistance system from Bosch to be used for the first time at KTMElectronics | Mobility | positioning & localization | Research & Development
Smart SystemsBTU and Fraunhofer IKTS: Lusatian experts research the intelligent maintenance of trainsAutomation | Digitalization | Research & Development