
Bitkom: One in three companies considers the metaverse to be an important technology of the future

August 2, 2024. German companies remain cautious about the metaverse, although they do see opportunities for the future. It is true that 32% consider the metaverse to be an important technology of the future. For 62%, however, it is a hype that will soon pass. As a result, only 13 percent have considered the use of metaverse technologies in their own company. A further 9 percent of companies have firm plans to look into the metaverse and around a quarter (26 percent) do not want to rule it out, at least for the future. For just under half (47%), however, the metaverse is not an issue and will not be in the future. These are the results of a representative survey of 605 companies with 20 or more employees in Germany commissioned by the digital association Bitkom.

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Photo: Bitkom





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“Even though the proportion of companies that have already engaged with the metaverse has more than doubled from 6% to 13% in the last two years: The metaverse continues to be massively underestimated,” says Bitkom CEO Dr. Bernhard Rohleder. “Anyone who considers the metaverse to be an important technology of the future should take a serious look at the opportunities for their own company.”

Note on methodology

The data is based on a survey conducted by Bitkom Research on behalf of the digital association Bitkom. This involved a telephone survey of 605 companies with 20 or more employees in Germany. The survey took place in the period from week 2 to week 8 2024. The survey is representative. The questions were: “Has your company already dealt with the topic of metaverse?” and “Which of the following statements do you most agree with?”.

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Further links

👉 Results on the German economy’s attitude towards the metaverse

Photo: Bitkom

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