Smart Systems

WAKU Robotics: Meili Robots and WAKU Robotics combine their expertise

May 27, 2024. The robot revolution is no longer a distant dream, but an imminent reality that will transform industries and redefine our daily lives. In the face of this technological revolution, Meili Robots and WAKU Robotics have formed a groundbreaking partnership to deliver a superior software stack for reliable robot operations.

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Meili Robots, known for its innovative fleet management system, and WAKU Robotics, a leading provider of cutting-edge robotics solutions, are joining forces to usher in the next phase of robotics advancement. This collaboration aims to provide robotics manufacturers with a software stack that combines Meili Robots’ expertise in fleet management with WAKU Care’s advanced capabilities.

Aldus von der Burg, CEO and founder of Meili Robots, explains: “Meili Robots is excited to be working with WAKU Robotics. Maintenance and service tools for the mobile robotics industry are an extremely valuable factor in keeping robots healthy and operational for a long service life. WAKU will enable robot users to maintain their fleet and provide robotics providers with valuable insights into the diverse applications of robots.”

Victor Splittgerber, CEO and co-founder of WAKU Robotics, adds: “We are looking forward to working with Meili Robots as our service and maintenance tool fits perfectly into Meili Robots’ offering. Adding these capabilities to Meili Robots’ fleet management product will provide OEMs with a complete solution to manage and operate their robot fleets.”

This partnership marks a paradigm shift in the robotics ecosystem and demonstrates how innovation and collaboration can drive transformative change. With Meili Robots and WAKU Robotics at the forefront, the robot revolution is only a matter of time, and the possibilities are limitless.

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Photo: pixabay

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Silicon Saxony

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