The main goal of CHORYS is to develop a new hardware and software architecture that is specifically tailored to the needs of data-intensive applications in the cloud. The focus is on the integration of near-data processing technologies and asynchronous data services in order to make data processing more efficient and resource-saving.
An innovative aspect of CHORYS is the close integration of RISC-V-based processor extensions and specialized accelerators such as OpenSSD-V and OpenNIC-V. These technologies make it possible to carry out database and analysis processes directly where the data is generated – and thus reduce time-consuming data movements through conventional storage and network structures.
The combination of programmable SSDs, SmartNICs (network interface cards) and data-parallel processing technologies integrated within an open architecture is particularly noteworthy. In addition, a powerful library is being developed that enables efficient execution of data-intensive computations on various hardware platforms.
The CHORYS project results have the potential to make a significant contribution to the further development of the cloud computing market and to significantly advance data-intensive enterprise applications, scientific data processing and open source projects.
As part of the project, the Chair of Databases at the TUD is taking over the management of the “Data-Intensive Patterns Library and APIs” work package. The aim is to develop a standardized programming interface that makes it possible to efficiently distribute parts of data-intensive algorithms to different computing units and thus enable optimized use of hardware resources.
A central component of the research work is the further development of the SIMD hardware abstraction library TSL, which already enables cross-platform execution of data-parallel codes on different architectures such as x86, AArch64 and oneAPI FPGAs.
The project is supported by the European Union with funding of over 4 million euros over a period of four years.
Technical University of Dresden
Professorship for Databases
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Lehner
Tel. +49 351 463-38383
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Further links
👉 https://tu-dresden.de