
TU Dresden: Sovereignty and responsibility in digitization – competence network data trust models

July 5, 2024. Scientists at TU Dresden are working with partners from Hesse, Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia to establish a competence network for data trust models. The consortium, led by ZEVEDI (TU Darmstadt), was successful in the call for proposals for “Scaling and increasing the acceptance of intersectoral data trust models in practice” by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and was selected for funding. Starting on June 1, 2024, the project will run for 25 months and will be funded by the BMBF with approx. 2 million euros from European Union – NextGenerationEU funds.

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Photo: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

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The European data policy approach of changing data markets through “new intermediaries” places high expectations on so-called data trustees. The mandate and the promise to the respective data owners is to safeguard data sovereignty – at the same time, they should make it much easier to share data in the future. The sharing of data is an area of tension with a multitude of challenges – especially at the interfaces between science, business and civil society: in addition to the neutrality requirement, for example, the legal structure and questions of liability, sponsorship or possible refinancing and business models need to be clarified.

The project now funded by the BMBF is intended to create an umbrella structure that, in addition to building expertise and pooling competence and networking, will also help to further develop the data trustee concept in a practical and strategic way.

“Data trusteeships and the knowledge of data trusteeship are of central importance for excellent, data-intensive research,” says Prof. Dr. Lars Bernard, CDIO of TU Dresden and co-applicant, explaining the importance of the data trustee models competence network for TU Dresden.

The CIDS and Prof. Dr. Anne Lauber-Röns-Röns-Röns-Röns-Röns-Röns-Röns are involved in the project at TU Dresden. Dr. Anne Lauber-Rönsberg (Institute for International Law, Intellectual Property and Technology Law) and Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart with TUD|excite are involved in the project.

The BMBF has already announced several funding rounds for the development and implementation of data trust models and is funding numerous projects. TU Dresden is already successfully involved here – for example with the joint project “DDtrust” for the implementation of a data trust model for the Saxon scientific area (2022 to 2024) as well as the recently successfully acquired implementation project “DDtrust-scale” (2024 to 2025) for the establishment of a data trust office in the DRESDEN-concept network.

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Photo: Gerd Altmann, Pixabay

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