Smart Systems

TU Chemnitz: Precise “digital twins” for flexible manufacturing processes

February 21, 2024. The new ESF Plus junior research group WiProFlex at Chemnitz University of Technology is developing novel knowledge-based process models with reduced data requirements, exemplary for microelectronics.

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Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller ist Sprecherin der ESF Plus-Nachwuchsforschungsgruppe WiProFlex. Foto: Jacob Müller

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The ongoing development of Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence (AI) is opening up new perspectives for modern industrial production. The possibility of using so-called “digital twins” for model-based process optimization and control is within reach. However, existing AI approaches are reaching their limits, as they require very large amounts of data and often only small and heterogeneous data sets are generated, especially in flexible manufacturing environments and with heterogeneous product portfolios. The aim of the new interdisciplinary ESF Plus junior research group “Transferable knowledge-based process models for flexible manufacturing” (WiProFlex) at Chemnitz University of Technology (TUC) is therefore to develop knowledge-based process models that use informed machine learning to skillfully enrich existing data with domain knowledge, such as physical theories, simulations and expert knowledge. This allows robust and reliable process models to be developed even with small amounts of data.

The models are demonstrated using processes from the highly complex production of microelectronics. This sector is of particular importance for Saxony – one in three chips from Europe is already manufactured in “Silicon Saxony”, and the trend is rising. In addition to a demonstrator, the result should also be recommendations for action so that the procedure can be transferred to other manufacturing processes across industries.

The project, in which junior researchers from four TUC faculties are involved, is funded by the Saxon Development Bank with funds from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) and the Free State of Saxony with around 1.77 million euros over three years. The Center for Microtechnologies (Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller), the Chair of Smart Systems Integration (Prof. Dr. Harald Kuhn), the Chair of Scientific Computing (Prof. Dr. Martin Stoll), the Chair of Production Systems and Processes (Prof. Dr. Martin Dix), the Chair of Distributed and Self-Organizing Computer Systems (Prof. Dr. Martin Gaedke) and the Chair of Circuit and System Design (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Heinkel) are involved in the project. A kick-off meeting is planned for March 19, 2024.


Linda Jäckel
Head of the ESF Plus junior research group WiProFlex
Phone +49 (0)371 531- 34681

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Photo: Jacob Müller

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