Human ResourcesFemale STEM mentors point the way to more diversity in the high-tech sectorAus- & Weiterbildung | Diversity | Education & Training | Robotics | Semiconductor | Semiconductors | Silicon Saxony | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
SoftwareSaxony is working on digital security for the worldData Security | NEXT | Software Development | Technological Sovereignty
SoftwareAI @ DUALIS: 3 pillars. 1 mission. Infinite possibilitiesArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Digitalization | NEXT | Software Development
SoftwareThe transformative power of generative AIArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Automation | Digitalization | NEXT | Software Development
SoftwareZebra, unicorn or cockroach – The Animal Kingdom of Software CompaniesGrowth | NEXT | Software Development | Startups
SoftwareThe basics of software developmentDigitalization | NEXT | Silicon Saxony | Software Development
SoftwareArtificial intelligence (AI) – a technology between the panacea and the end of the worldArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Automation | Automatisierung | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | Forschung & Entwicklung | Funding | KĂĽnstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Manufacturing | Production | Produktion | Research & Development | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung | Technological Sovereignty
Silicon SaxonyBureaucracy meets faltering digitization – How fast is the “German pace”?Digitalisierung | Digitalization | Funding | Promotion | Silicon Saxony | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung | Technological Sovereignty
SoftwareEuropean Data Act – Between digital necessity and bureaucratic brake blockArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Data Security | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | Editorial | IT | KĂĽnstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Radio & Data Transmission | Silicon Saxony | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung | Wireless systems