Smart SystemsFraunhofer IPMS: New multi-sensor system developed for water analysisResearch & Development | Sensors
Smart SystemsFraunhofer IPA: Q.ANT and Fraunhofer IPA establish competence centerAutomation | Production | Research & Development | Robotics | Sensors
MicroelectronicsBTU: High-tech for structural change – iCampµs invites companies to transfer conferenceElectronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | Halbleiter | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductors | Sensors
Silicon SaxonyIntegration of Fraunhofer FEP’s Microdisplays and Sensors business unit into Fraunhofer IPMSArtificial Intelligence | Automation | Big Data | Cloud | Connectivity | Digitalization | Growth | IC Design | Research & Development | Sensors | Silicon Saxony
MicroelectronicsFraunhofer IPMS: Innovation in sensor technology – New development of a pH sensor layer successfully integrated in ISFETResearch & Development | Sensors
MicroelectronicsHigh-speed light modulation for OLED, micro-LED and LCOS arraysElectronics | IC Design | microdisplay | Microelectronics | Press Release | Research & Development | Sensors | Silicon Saxony | System Design
Smart SystemsFraunhofer IPMS: 12.5 million euros for structural reinforcement project OASYSResearch & Development | Semiconductors | Sensors
Smart SystemsBMBF: “Robotics research” action planFunding | Production | Research & Development | Robotics | Sensors | Technological Sovereignty
EntrepreneurshipTU Chemnitz: Electrochemist receives one of the most prestigious EU grants for cutting-edge researchElectronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | Funding | Research & Development | Sensors
Smart SystemsFraunhofer FEP: Universal gas sensor platform with improved thin-film encapsulationResearch & Development | Sensors