Microelectronicsmi2-factory: Securing Series A financing and IPCEI ME/KT funding for novel EFIITRON semiconductor process technologyFunding | Process Technologies | Research & Development | Semiconductors
Smart SystemsSupraTix Revolutionizes Product Development with Nvidia’s Next-Generation Chips: Shaping the Future of Work and InnovationArtificial Intelligence | Automation | Digital Twins | Edge Computing | Education & Training | Industrial Internet of Things | Neuromorphic Computing | Process Technologies | Robotics | Sensors
Smart SystemsFraunhofer IPA: Additively manufactured individual products in medical technologyProcess Technologies | Production | Research & Development
Human ResourcesSilicon Saxony and Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences: Semiconductor process knowledge to become part of a new degree program in Zittau/GörlitzAus- & Weiterbildung | Education & Training | Electronics | Halbleiter | Process Technologies | Semiconductors
Smart SystemsFraunhofer IKTS: Innovative layer systems for sustainable photovoltaic solutions in the building sectorForschung & Entwicklung | Process Technologies | Research & Development
Smart SystemsWhat is the Vision-to-Teach Technology?Artificial Intelligence | Automation | Digital Twins | Digitalization | Education & Training | Industrial Internet of Things | Process Technologies | Research & Development | Robotics | Sensors | Silicon Saxony | Startups
Smart SystemsFraunhofer FEP: Innovative pilot line for vacuum coating and thermal post-treatment of flexible ultra-thin glassMechanical & Plant Engineering | Process Technologies | Research & Development
SoftwareFraunhofer IWU: SWAP-IT – Highly flexible production architecture that can be used in many industries to be gradually made available as open source from the end of 2024Digitalization | Process Technologies | Production | Research & Development
SoftwareFraunhofer IKTS: Easily detect faults in systems and processes with AI supportArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Mechanical & Plant Engineering | Process Technologies | Production | Research & Development
Smart SystemsCritical Manufacturing: Strategic alliance with RoviSys expanded in Southeast Asia, Japan and TaiwanProcess Technologies | Production | System Design