Human ResourcesSilicon Saxony: Fabmobil brings STEM education and chip knowledge to Saxon schoolsEducation & Training | Funding | Nanoelectronics | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsJenoptik: High-tech fab in Dresden receives state-of-the-art electron beam lithography systemNanoelectronics | Semiconductor | Semiconductors
EntrepreneurshipInfineon: Strengthening of multi-sourcing strategy through new supply agreement with SK Siltron CSS for silicon carbide (SiC) wafersNanoelectronics | Resilience | Semiconductors | Technological Sovereignty
MicroelectronicsFraunhofer IZM: New connection technology with nanowires sets standards for high-performance electronicsElectronics | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development
Microelectronicsedacentrum: Reliable chips – edacentrum awards EDA Medal 2023 to Dipl.-Phys. JĂĽrgen SchlöffelNanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsTU Dresden, SMWA and GlobalFoundries: Optimization of chip production through AI – starting signal for joint project LOTSEArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsEuropean Commission: Joint Undertaking for Chips established under the European Chip LawCleanroom | Nanoelectronics | Packaging | Promotion | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsSMWA: Infineon and ten Saxon partners receive funding of 17.7 million eurosForschung & Entwicklung | Mobility | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductor | Semiconductors
MicroelectronicsTU Dresden: Using phosphorus to create innovative optoelectronic componentsForschung & Entwicklung | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductor | Semiconductors