MicroelectronicsHZDR: Research team in Dresden succeeds in ultra-fast switching of tiny light sourcesElectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductor | Sensors
Smart SystemsFraunhofer IPMS: Interface problem solved – UDDC ensures smooth transmission of image data to microdisplaysConnectivity | Electronics | Research & Development
MicroelectronicsFraunhofer IKTS: Bringing complex microelectronic products to market faster and more cost-effectivelyElectronics | Nanoelectronics | Research & Development | Semiconductors
Smart SystemsBosch: New radar-based assistance system from Bosch to be used for the first time at KTMElectronics | Mobility | positioning & localization | Research & Development
Silicon SaxonyThe medtech sector is being held back – between struggling clinics, increasing bureaucracy and a lack of networkingArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Big Data | Connectivity | Data Security | Digitalization | Editorial | Electronics | IT | Mechanical & Plant Engineering | Research & Development | Robotics | Semiconductors | Sensors | Software Development | Technological Sovereignty
Smart SystemsInfineon: ZF and Infineon use AI algorithms to optimize software and control units for vehicle dynamicsArtificial Intelligence (AI) | Digitalisierung | Digitalization | Electronics | Forschung & Entwicklung | KĂĽnstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Mobility | Research & Development | Software Development | Softwareentwicklung
EntrepreneurshipZEISS: ZEISS SMT agrees acquisition of Swiss high-tech companyElectronics | Growth | Semiconductors
Human ResourcesSK Sachsen: Free State and state capital invest in new vocational training center for electrical engineeringEducation & Training | Electronics | Sustainability | Technological Sovereignty
Human ResourcesOkmetic: Participation in the ECSA project to address the shortage of skilled workers in the semiconductor industryEducation & Training | Electronics | Recruiting | Semiconductors
Smart SystemsBeyond Gravity: Selected as part of the MDA AURORA™ supply chainConnectivity | Electronics | Research & Development | System Design