
SMWK: Saxon scientific institutions attract millions in funding from the German Research Foundation

November 25, 2024. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has selected three major research and qualification projects with Saxon participation for funding. In total, more than 41 million euros will flow into these excellent projects over the next few years. Three Saxon universities were successful in the competition together with their partners at other universities and non-university research institutions.

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In the SFB/Transregio program, the following consortia were able to convince with excellent institution proposals and are now being funded by the DFG for an initial funding period of four years:

1. “DediGrad” – TU Chemnitz (speaker university)
Under the leadership of Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Lothar Kroll, the researchers are working on intelligent production technologies for lightweight plastic structures with load-decided 3D grading of the reinforcing structure. TU Dresden, RWTH Aachen + and other project partners are involved, including the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU) Chemnitz, Dresden
Funding volume including DFG program allowance: 17.14 million euros

2. “Active -3D” – TU Dresden (speaker university)
Under the leadership of Professor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick, the team is researching future-oriented electronics using active components in three dimensions. In addition to RWTH Aachen University, the Nanoelectronic Materials Laboratory gGmbH (NaMLab) Dresden
Funding volume including DFG program allowance: 17.57 million euros

Among the Research Training Groups, Leipzig University’s application for the Research Training Group “NeuroTune” “Molecular Tuning of Neuronal Communication” was approved by the DFG. Under the direction of Professor Dr. Robert J. Kittel, the project will be funded for an initial funding period of five years.
Funding amount including DFG program allowance: 6.94 million euros

Minister of Science Sebastian Gemkow congratulated:

“I warmly congratulate the University of Leipzig, Chemnitz University of Technology and TU Dresden on this success. The selection by the DFG shows the strength and excellence of our universities and scientific institutions. It also raises the international profile of Saxony as a state of science. I wish the researchers and all project partners all the best and every success. Science and industry in the Free State of Saxony will hopefully benefit equally from the knowledge gained here.”


The German Research Foundation is the largest funding organization for research in Germany. Last week, the DFG’s Grants Committee decided which projects in the SFB/Transregio program and which Research Training Groups will be funded in the coming years.

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Further links

👉 www.smwk.sachsen.de 

Photo: Unsplash

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Silicon Saxony

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