The Dresden-based companies Fabmatics GmbH and SYSTEMA Systementwicklung Dipl.-.Inf. Manfred Austen GmbH, LEC GmbH from Eibenstock and the research partners Technische Universität Chemnitz, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (Dresden) and Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS (Dresden). Under the leadership of Infineon Dresden, the cooperation partners are developing innovative solutions for microcontrollers and power semiconductors, from initial product ideas to high-volume production. The work in the R&D alliance includes the development of efficient processes for the design of microcontrollers, new product and technology developments for power semiconductors and process innovations for modern, efficient high-volume production. The project partners are also addressing topics such as digital transformation and the future design of human-centered workplaces in high-volume production. The results for green mobility “made in Saxony” are to be incorporated into future automotive and industrial applications. The first project meeting of the partners will take place on November 29 in Zwickau.
“Cooperation between important stakeholders from research and industry in Saxony to create innovative semiconductor solutions is of great importance for the business location,” said Martin Dulig, Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport of the Free State of Saxony. “The work of the partners in the joint research project is an important building block for the next innovations ‘made in Saxony’. The project results will form the basis for future-oriented products that improve people’s quality of life and contribute to achieving climate targets.”
Semiconductors are the key to mastering the two most important challenges of our time: climate change and digital transformation,” says Uwe Gäbler, Head of the Development Center for Automotive Electronics and Artificial Intelligence at Infineon Dresden. “Cooperation and knowledge exchange between companies, universities and research institutions are essential for innovation. Together in Saxony, we want to develop new power products and systems with greater energy efficiency and durability and create new fields of application.
“The partners in Future Mobility bring their unique perspectives and expertise to the collaboration. In addition to the innovative solutions themselves, we hope that this will also lead to the successful dissemination and application of the technologies for the mobility and industry of the future after the end of the project,” says Manfred Austen, Managing Director of Systema, on behalf of the medium-sized companies. “Such collaborations create new, long-term partnerships and opportunities that benefit the growth of Saxony’s semiconductor and electronics industry.”
“In the Future Mobility project, we are strengthening cooperation between industry and research in Saxony. Our aim is to accelerate the transfer of knowledge in relevant future topics such as microelectronics or artificial intelligence from research institutions and universities to companies,” said Prof. Christoph Leyens from Fraunhofer IWS in Dresden, outlining the views of the participating research partners. “Excellent research dedicated to the complex challenges of our time underlines Saxony’s attractiveness as an important location for science.”
The project is being funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Free State of Saxony over a three-year period. The funds come from the Saxon ERDF technology funding 2021 to 2027 for research and development (R&D) projects on new products and processes. In collaborative R&D projects, the Free State of Saxony supports the cooperation of small and medium-sized Saxon companies (SMEs) with other companies, research institutions or universities in Saxony.
Martin Dulig continued: “Saxony’s ERDF/JTF technology funding has been provided with around 600 million euros until the end of 2027 and is therefore excellently positioned. With this technology and industry-open funding offer, we are supporting research, development and innovation as important drivers for the future viability and competitiveness of Saxony’s economy, even in challenging times.”
Technology funding and market launch: Saxony supports innovative companies with €740 million until 2027
Since the beginning of 2023, the Free State of Saxony has launched a series of new funding programs for innovative companies. With the support of the European Union, around 740 million euros are available for new technologies and their market launch. This sum is divided between ERDF/JTF technology funding, the MINT skilled workers program ESF Plus and the ERDF-funded market launch of innovative products, processes or services.
With the “ERDF/JTF Technology Funding 2021 to 2027”, Saxony will continue to provide funding for research and development (R&D) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their cooperation partners in the Free State. By the end of 2027, 600 million euros will be available for R&D project funding, technology transfer funding and the granting of InnoPremiums. In addition, the previously independent funding of pilot lines in the field of key technologies under the “KETs Pilot Lines” funding guideline has been integrated into the new funding guideline.
With the “STEM Skilled Workers Program ESF Plus 2021-2027”, the Free State is promoting the recruitment and retention of highly qualified skilled workers in Saxon SMEs. Until 2027, a proven and optimized funding offer consisting of Innovation Assistant, “InnoManager”, Transfer Assistant and “InnoTeam” will strengthen the innovative power of Saxony’s economy. Around 100 million euros will be used for this purpose.
Saxony is also supporting SMEs and young, innovative companies (start-ups) with subsequent market launch projects in the current EU funding period. Around 40 million euros in ERDF and state funds are available for this purpose as part of the “Market Launch Grant ERDF 2021 to 2027” program.
Project ideas and funding applications can be submitted digitally via the funding portal of the Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank.
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Further links
👉 www.smwa.sachsen.de
👉 EFRE/JTF-Technologieförderung 2021 bis 2027
👉 MINT-Fachkräfteprogramm ESF Plus 2021 bis 2027
👉 Markteinführung Zuschuss EFRE 2021 bis 2027
Photo: SMWA