Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer: “Dresden is the leading microelectronics location in Europe and Silicon Saxony continues to grow. This also increases the need for well-trained specialists. With the construction of the new vocational training center, we are significantly increasing the training capacities for the future-oriented electrical engineering sector. This will benefit large semiconductor manufacturers and medium-sized companies alike.”
Minister of Education Christian Piwarz: “The chip factories are becoming a job engine in Silicon Saxony. There are excellent career prospects for microtechnologists and mechatronics engineers in particular. It is therefore all the more important that we offer the skilled workers of tomorrow a state-of-the-art training location with the new vocational training center.”
Mayor Dirk Hilbert: “Dresden is a city of education with innovative school concepts and offers. With the construction of an excellent vocational school center in Prohlis, we are paving the way today for future generations of trainees in the fields of microtechnology, mechatronics, IT, electronics, electrical system technicians and IT system electronics.”
The city of Dresden is planning to build a virtually climate-neutral new building in the Prohlis district for around 2,200 vocational school students, which will meet the latest requirements in vocational training. Commissioning is planned for the start of the 2028/2029 school year. According to preliminary plans, the construction costs are expected to amount to 127.5 million euros.
The BSZ DET plays a key role in the training of microtechnologists and mechatronics technicians urgently needed by the chip industry, which extends beyond Dresden. The Free State of Saxony and the state capital of Dresden therefore intend to prioritize the project in the expansion of the educational infrastructure. An additional financial contribution is also justified because the training needs identified by the various companies in the chip industry require additional capacity in classrooms, specialist teaching rooms and general functional areas. Last but not least, the letter of intent states that an “Excellence-BSZ” that meets the latest requirements can be an argument in cross-state competition to attract trainees.
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Further links
👉 www.sk.sachsen.de
Photo: AGZ Zimmermann Architekten GmbH