The Silicon Saxony Advanced Automation and Robotics working group played a key role in the creation of the Master’s degree program. Working group leader Martin Däumler from Fabmatics GmbH and member of the industrial advisory board of the university’s Department of Mechanical Engineering supported the search for three robot manufacturers, for example. In future, these will provide robots for teaching at low cost. Students can acquire a “driver’s license” for the models used, sometimes combined with a factory tour at the respective manufacturer.
“We should develop funding models to support universities in adapting the price-intensive technology required for these new courses. Ideally, these should also include benefits for the supporting companies, e.g. the possibility of preferential networking with the students in order to attract them for a work-study program, an internship or an open position after graduation,” demands Martin Däumler in this context.
In addition, Martin Däumler supports the content of the course in his role as part of the Industry Advisory Board. For example, compulsory elective modules such as a lecture series and company visits are currently being discussed for the 3rd semester.
The Advanced Automation and Robotics working group is also in talks with the Future Robotics Lab at TU Dresden. The aim here is to develop a decentralized concept for a lecture module that can be integrated into various courses of study at the TU as a specialization from the winter semester 2024/2025.
Your cooperation is needed
The Advanced Automation and Robotics working group is always looking for people who are interested in collaborating with Saxon colleges and universities. Funding ideas are also being developed within the framework of the working group in order to design diverse and industry-oriented courses in Saxony.
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Further links
👉 www.silicon-saxony.de/arbeitskreise/advanced-automation-robotics/
Photo: Canva