Silicon Eurocluster

Global competitiveness of European electronics systems

Silicon Eurocluster aims to put Europe in a leading position in the development and production of micro- and nanoelectronics (key technologies), by leveraging the collaboration of existing high-tech clusters in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden and the Netherlands.

Expanding cooperation between clusters into a registered European cluster network will have a major impact on the global competitiveness of European electronics systems. The project provides direct financial support to at least 50 SMEs (vouchers for 25 collaborations with experts in green and circular economy and 12 for demo projects with up to 25 SMEs) as well as support for internationalization, innovation, networking and training towards more digitalization and green economy.

Duration: September 2022 – February 2025

Funding program: COSME program

Target group: entire value chain of the semiconductor industry


Bild der Mitarbeiterin

Alesia Lässig

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Survey on value chains in the electronics and semiconductor industry

Take part in our survey to promote European cooperation in the semiconductor and electronics sector and strengthen the self-sufficiency of the electronics value chain! As a participant, you will gain access to strategic information and funding opportunities and actively shape EU semiconductor policy. The survey takes about ten minutes.

Advantages at a glance

Participation in the development of a self-sufficient European electronics value chain

Open Calls for financial support of SMEs

Support for SMEs in internationalization

Numbers. Data. Facts

Icon Unternehmen


Icon Kooperation: Zwei einschlagende Hände.

Cooperation with experts

Icon Projekte: Eine Glühbirne mit zwei Zahnrädern.

Demo projects

Longstanding cooperation

Silicon Europe

Silicon Eurocluster is a project from the Silicon Europe cluster network. A total of eleven renowned European clusters have formed this association since 2012. The goal is to form the world’s leading center for innovative electronics and software technologies.

Project partners


Silicon Eurocluster received funding from the European Union’s COSME funding program under no. GA 101074552.