MINT to be
Discover your place in the high-tech world with us
With the “MINT to be” project, we want to counteract gender stereotypes when it comes to choosing a career and course of study in Saxony’s high-tech sectors. Our aim is to introduce girls and non-binary people in particular to the variety of exciting STEM professions and degree courses during the career orientation phase and to support them in discovering their own place in the high-tech world.
Our approach comprises two key components: the development of a specific landing page that explains the relevant job profiles and possible training and study paths in a visually appealing, cliché-free and gender-sensitive way, and the establishment of a STEM mentor network.
As STEM mentors, we primarily want to recruit women and non-binary people with diverse cultural backgrounds. These role models are to appear before young people (grades 7 to 13) throughout Saxony and encourage girls and non-binary young people in particular not to regard STEM professions as exclusively “typically male” and to see them as an opportunity for themselves. Our aim is to actively counteract gender stereotypes and to authentically convey career profiles in the fields of microelectronics, software and robotics in particular.
“MINT to be” is intended to help inspire more female and non-binary young people to pursue a career in STEM professions and thus support the shift towards a fairer and more inclusive working world.
Duration: January 2024 – December 2025
Funding: Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality
Target group: In particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to get involved in society, young people in Saxony from year 7 onwards, Saxon educational institutions and extracurricular learning venues

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