Programming with Calliope mini

Programming courses for children at as many elementary school in Saxony as possible

Since 2016, the microcontroller “Calliope mini” including teaching material has been available as a class set and offers an excellent opportunity to introduce primary school children from the 3rd grade onwards to the world of programming in a playful way. To successfully run these extracurricular programs, schools can already pay dedicated volunteers and apply for funding to purchase materials such as a class set of “Calliope mini.” What is still missing, however, are qualified lecturers who can lead such computer science-oriented courses.

Our goal is to facilitate such exciting STEM offerings for interested children at 100 elementary schools in Saxony within the next two years.

If you are interested in fostering the next generations of innovative minds and making a valuable contribution to STEM education, we invite you to become a coach and join us in spreading the enthusiasm for programming in elementary schools.


Duration: June 2023 – December 2024

Funding: Saxon State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs

Target group: Companies that want to get involved in society, private individuals, Saxon elementary school


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The project at a glance

Enthusiasm for technology right from the start

  • Together with LJBW – Landesverband Sächsischer Jugendbildungswerke e.V., Silicon Saxony supports the extracurricular program (GTA) “Calliope mini”.
  • Children in Saxony who are enthusiastic about technology are thus given the opportunity to learn about programming in a playful way at an early age.

Get kids excited about your STEM topics

  • Show social commitment as a company (e.g. release employees for one afternoon a week for GTA).
  • Everyone can get involved: Programming with the “Calliope mini” is child’s play. More important than prior knowledge is enthusiasm for the cause.
  • Lay the foundation for the young professionals of tomorrow with us.


  • In the portal we bring together committed coaches and interested elementary schools.
  • Volunteers and companies can participate at any time.

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Project partners

The Programming with Calliope mini project is co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget approved by the members of the Saxon state parliament.