Free Access to European Infrastructure for Nanoelectronics
ASCENT+ sees itself as a European toolbox for microelectronics. Interested parties submit their technical request. The project partners are looking for the right tool!
As an evolution and extension of the ASCENT program, the ASCENT+ project integrates additional key European infrastructures to address emerging research challenges in nanoelectronics. Through a single entry point and a user-oriented access interface, ASCENT+ offers specifically interested small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a unique research infrastructure in which more than 2.5 billion euros have been invested. ASCENT+ thus represents a unique opportunity for Europe to regain global leadership in nanoelectronics.
Duration: September 2020 – February 2025
Funding program: Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation
Target group: researchers/developers in small and medium-sized enterprises, large companies, universities and research centers


Alesia Lässig
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What our members say
FMC encourages other startups to make use of the ASCENT+ program since it represents a great opportunity to utilize Europe’s semiconductor R&D infrastructure for demonstrating new technology and thereby can increase the chances for funding and achievement of technology milestones. In particular the fast application and approval process combined with the free-of-charge utilization of R&D facilities is incredibly advantageous for SMEs and Startups in the semiconductor space.
Via ASCENT+, we gained access to industrial-scale equipment, as well as metrology and highly experienced researchers. This is an easy-to-apply and easy-to-report type of public support for international hi-tech companies to test technical ideas.
The advantages at a glance
- Free access to exclusive equipment and extensive know-how of the renowned European Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs)
- Cost savings by testing new types of equipment and rare, expensive materials without having to purchase them (test befor invest)
- Assumption of travel costs (in case of physical access) and/or sample shipment (in case of virtual access) by the project.
- Only a few weeks from the request to the actual start of the project
- time-efficient, short-term projects with the support of experts (from 2 weeks to 3 months and longer)
- Testing of individual process steps without endangering the ongoing processes in the company (process optimization, yield increase)
- Feasibility studies
- deeper understanding of processes
- Ensuring full IPR protection of the user (IP agreement is signed prior to commencement).
Numbers. Data. Facts

Ongoing or completed transnational access projects.

Countries with users involved

Nanoelectronics organizations in the ASCENT+ network
Related links
Instructive content
ASCENT+ Webinars
Want to learn more about different characterization techniques, power electronics, or quantum computing? ASCENT+ regularly organizes webinars, which you can also watch afterwards.
Technology partner

Universities and colleges

Technology cluster

ASCENT+ has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under GA No 871130.