New: Position Paper


Position and strategy papers

Part of the Silicon Saxony association’s work is to regularly inform political decision-makers in particular about the requirements, needs, challenges, interests and opportunities of our ecosystem. This is done thematically focussed in the form of so-called position papers. Strategic documents for the further development of the region or individual thematic areas are also developed in close cooperation with the members of our cluster and published here, among other things.

Our position papers

Position Paper: Microelectronics 2030+
Strategy paper: Securing skilled labour 2030 (German, 2023)
Vorschaubild Strategiepapier Fachkräftesicherung 2030
Position Paper: Artificial Intelligence in Saxony (German, 2022)
Vorschaubild Positionspapier KI in Sachsen
Position paper: Digital Saxony – Saxony’s path to becoming a pioneer in digitalisation (German, 2020)
Vorschaubild Positionspapier Digital Saxony
Position paper: Software land Saxony – Use digitalisation, shape the future (German, 2019)
Vorschaubild Positionspapier Softwareland Sachsen
Position paper of the Saxon start-up scene (German, 2016)
Vorschaubild Positionspapier der sächsischen Startup-Szene