Dirk Röhrborn
Communardo GmbH
NEXT – In the spotlight: skilled workers
Dear Readers,
With this NEXT, we are addressing the central challenge facing our industries: the increasing shortage of skilled workers. The needs are as diverse as the companies. Among other things, specialists are sought for maintenance in semiconductor production, chip design, software development and cyber security.
In our NEXT, we want to inform you about exciting approaches to solving this bottleneck. In addition, we deal with the topic strategically in Silicon Saxony in working groups, in the Human Resources & Education department, and at board level. We cordially invite you to participate in it as well and thus use and strengthen our network at the same time.
Warm regards,
Dirk Röhrborn
Chairman of the Silicon Saxony Presidium
Upcoming issue
Call for content participation or the opportunity to place ads and mention of upcoming topics:
November 2023: Software
Software is ubiquitous, yet difficult for many to grasp. How does it work? What does it enable us to do? What is being developed in Saxony, Germany and the world in this area? How are quantum computing, artificial intelligence and the like changing traditional programming jobs? We look with you into an exciting industry.